Church Scattered: Divine Judgement-Absolutely Last Days-Maybe

I lived and survived the decade in American of the 1960’s.  Things were really bad then and many days it felt like surely things can’t get any worse but they did.  I could no doubt see the hand of God judging the church and our nation but Christianity still served as a source of truth for the majority of Americans.

Today in post-Christian and post-modern America, I can no longer make that statement.  I have never seen a time living as a Christian in the church scattered where there are more un-godly people that have been allowed to be in authority over us.

According the Romans 13, the Father is using these people to clearly judge the sinful behavior of both Christians and non-Christians in this extremely secular culture.  Peter makes it clear that if the Father did not spare the fallen angels, the ancient world or the people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah, then He will certainly not spare us either.

So I pray daily for all people in authority, so that the truth may prevail over evil.  I pray that as the restraining work of the Holy Spirit is removed, there will still be time for repentance and revival among Christians that leads to a world wide spiritual awakening where millions will be saved.

Could we actually be living in the Last Days?  Absolutely, there is nothing I am aware of in scripture that must take place before we enter this time of incredible judgement.  The Father has been patient so that as many as possible can be saved.  However, one day that window of gospel proclamation will close and utter darkness will prevail for a season.

Peter says it best, that as Christians knowing all of these truths, how much more should we be living our lives every day while there is still time in holiness and godliness so that as many as possible can come to Jesus Christ.   As my former pastor Adrian Rogers used to say, It’s getting gloriously dark.