
The merging of the secular and the sacred is the most effective strategy in making disciples.

Our mission is to help Christians become fully devoted followers of Christ and servant leaders of others.

We want Christians to become mature in their faith so they can lead themselves and their families with both truth and grace. We also want the number one priority in all our lives to be the calling of knowing Him and then the mission of making Him known.

The church gathered is still extremely important but the reality is that up to 85% of three generations in our culture are not going to any church campus. If we don’t in the everyday patterns of life become the living epistles to be read and the fragrance of His grace to be experienced, they will not find Christ.

We want to work with Church Leaders to maximize their ability to reach new people and equip existing members for the greatest kingdom impact. Helping you turn members into missionaries is our primary strategy. 

We also want to partner with Corporate Leaders to use the workplace as a major platform to help move people towards Christ. We will help you make a profit so you can then make an eternal difference.

Only when Church leaders and Corporate leaders work together to align Christians with all our shared biblical responsibilities, will we become the powerful force that can change the world for His glory.

About Dan Greer

My passion is to help equip believers to grow in their faith and then leverage every platform in life to reach the lost. Making disciples has been my calling as a christian leader for fifty years and fuels the vision for creating the church scattered network.

I have a unique background that enables me to help in this extremely important task. I have been a very committed Christian since I was 20 and was very fortunate to have someone personally disciple me. I was already in the “ministry” working in a corporate career.

Many years of successful corporate leadership equipped me to completely merge the sacred and the secular together in my own life. Check out how God has woven these two worlds together in my life at dangreer.com where I primarily help with executive coaching for c-suite leaders.

For 30 years I have also served in staff leadership roles in both high-level mega-churches and innovative church plants. In most of those cases, my role was an executive pastor.

I have helped churches successfully transition from older models that were no longer effective to helping in leading two church plants starting in schools that both grew to over 1500 using multi-site models. I developed coachingchurches.com to help churches become more effective.

Bottom line, Christianity in the 21st century demands that senior pastors work with their church corporate leaders to develop effective ways to both value the ministry of the church gathered while prioritizing taking the gospel into the church scattered.