Church Scattered: Cancel Culture Is The Wrong Battle To Fight

In Church Scattered we talk about all the painful realities and consequences of global disruption.  This fallout is radically changing all of our lives both personally and professionally.  We now live in a post-modern and post-Christian America where truth in no longer absolute and there are many paths to heaven.

If you are a Christian, especially married and parenting, all of this is extremely relevant to your life.  We all must develop a biblical worldview to keep from overreacting every time we read something on social media.

You must understand what is going on in the culture to help your family effectively navigate living the Christian life as a persecuted minority.   Thankfully, we have been promised the grace we will need and we can leverage this disruption for His glory.

However, if the church’s number one priority is to change the culture then they will fall into the trap of depending more on government than gospel.  I love my country but the kingdom is exceedingly more important.  Social justice will be impossible without eternal redemption.

Chaos is going to be the new normal for the future and you need to build the spiritual maturity into your life that will help you spend His time wisely.  You must place your relationship with the Father as the most important relationship you invest in everyday.

Never expect someone to change their mind about truth until their heart has first been changed by Jesus Christ.  Arguing with a dead man spiritually about abortion is not going to work.  Sharing with him the gospel can but how can they believe in Him if they have never heard?